Tenth Brigade ~ Virginia Division ~ Department of the Army of Northern Virginia

Time in Carrollton:

Pictures From 2018 Pictures From 2020 Pictures From 2022 Pictures From 2024
Pictures From 2019 Pictures From 2021 Pictures From 2023  


The Isle of Wight Avengers is a proud Camp in the Sons of Confederate Veterans.

We meet on the 1st Tuesday of
each month at 6:30 at the Carrollton Ruritan Club.


"He who forgets his ancestors is unworthy
to be remembered by his descendants!"



Our purpose is to fulfill the
Charge to the Sons of Confederate Veterans:

"To you, Sons of Confederate Veterans, we submit the vindication of the Cause for which we fought;
to your strength will be given the defense of the Confederate soldier's good name, the guardianship
of his history, the emulation of his virtues, the perpetuation of those principles he loved
and which made him glorious and which you also cherish. Remember, it is your duty to see that
the true history of the South is presented to future generations."

Lt. General Stephen Dill Lee, Commander General
United Confederate Veterans
New Orleans, Louisiana 1906

Confederate Monument ~ IOW Courthouse


October 6, 2024
Cdr. Ed Whitley of the Isle of Wight Camp #14 has his Honda Ridgeline packed and is ready to leave his home in Newport News, Virginia on a mission to help
Hurricane Helene victims in western North Carolina. He will drop off all this food at the Lee Jackson Memorial Park in Lexington. Various organizations helped us to collect food
and cash donations including the IOW Dixie Rangers, OCR, the IOW UDC #699, the Urquhart-Gillette Camp #1471 (Courtland), the Stonewall Camp #380 (Portsmouth), the
General William Mahone Camp # 1369 (Ivor), the Old Brunswick Camp #512 (Lawrenceville), and the McGruder-Ewell Camp #99 (Newport News).

Update: Sunday afternoon, October 6, 2024, Cdr. Ed Whitley has arrived in Lexington to deliver food for Hurricane Helene victims who are in such desperate need
of any help to start the rebuilding process.  Shown is the trailer used by the Stonewall Brigade to transport the goods being delivered from all over Virginia for this mission of mercy.


October 1 , 2024
We were all so very happy to see Lt. Cdr. Richard Jenkins tonight after he suffered a stroke back in April. He looked strong and in good spirits.

We had a rather large attendance this evening.  Compatriots from 4 different Camps came to visit: the Norfolk County Grays, the Mahone Camp, the Stonewall Camp, and the Old Brunswick Camp,
as well as ladies from the United Daughters of the Confederacy and the Dixie Rangers.

As soon as Cdr. Ed Whitley called the meeting to order, he asked that Compatriot Frank Hall come forward along with Marilyn Curtin (President of the Isle of Wight Chapter of the United Daughters
of the Confederacy), and Joan Jones (Treasurer). The Commander then presented a check to the UDC in honor of Mrs. Patricia Hall who passed away recently. The funds will be used to benefit
the (UDC) Caroline Meriwether Goodlett Library in Richmond. The ladies and our Cdr. spoke to Frank about how everyone loved, respected, and will sincerely miss his wife.

Our very special guest speaker this evening was Cdr. Frank Ernest of the Norfolk County Grays. His topic was "The northern most battle of the War", based on the 1954 movie, The Raid.
This movie is available on YouTube.

Cdr. Keith Searcy of the General William Mahone Camp was joined with fellow compatriots Ron Perry and Curtis Newsome.
They received "Little Billie", The Traveling Pistol of the 10th Brigade for their Camp.


September 3, 2024

The Avengers own compatriot, Bob Kennedy, gave a very informative slide presentaton about explosives used by Confederates during the War. For example, we learned how
torpedoes were actually mines both on land and sea. Bob's title for his subject came from Union Adm. David Farragut who said "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!".

August 3, 2024
13 Compatriots and Ladies traveled to Pamplin Park in Petersburg Saturday August 3. It was a beautiful day to enjoy the park. Thank you to all who attended.



The Avengers did not have a meeting in July for summer vacations.


This post card is by courtesy of Commander John A. Sharrett, III of the Stonewall Camp #380.
The post mark on the back is dated June 21, 1907.



I salute the Flag of Virginia with reverence
and patriotic devotion to the "Mother of
States and Statesmen" which it represents -
the "Old Dominion" where Liberty and
Independence were born.

-- Written by Mrs. Cassye Gravely, UDC


I salute the Confederate flag with affection,
reverence and undying devotion to the
cause for which it stands.  Amen.




Ed Whitley
December 12, 2018
Anthony M. Griffin December 3, 2008 December 11, 2018
M. Keith Morris, Jr. September 27, 2006 December 2, 2008





Site created on Sept. 1, 2006