Pictures from 2016


December 1, 2016


Scott and Susan Carraway, known as Virginia Dare, were our guests this evening and played Christmas carols that were sung in the 1860s.
They also brought a Christmas tree and hand made ornaments for us to decorate.

Virginia Division Commander (and Camp Commander) Tony Griffin presented Danny Johnson with his LIFE National and Divison Certificates.


Commander Griffin also inducted the Camp's new officers for the next term.


2nd Lt. Cdr. Tommy Davis donated a Norfolk Pine for a door prize. The happy winner was Mrs. Pat Hall.



November 1, 2016

Commander Tony Griffin devoted our Camp meeting this evening to conducting very specific and important business.
Instead of having a guest speaker, he allowed time for discussion and electing our next term of officers.

Dan W. Johnson and Hunter H. Groves were inducted by Cdr. Tony Griffin and 1st Lt. Cdr. Dan Lewandowski.
Congratulations to our 2 newest members!



October 4, 2016

Compatriot John Parker proudly showed off his new car and specialty tags!

Our very special guest speaker was Compatriot Robert Montague.  He served as an assistant Attorney General of Kentucky from 1961-1964.  Among
his many and varied credentials, he serves on the executive committee of the Robert E. Lee Camp # 726 and the Samuel Cooper Chapter MOSB.  He is the oldest living descendant of John Cabell Breckinridge who was a U.S. Senator, Vice President, Confederate General, and Sec. of War.
Robert displayed 2 prints of his ancestor on our mantle.

Compatriot Montague also displayed an 1856 Democratic campaign poster and a portrait of his famous ancestor, John C. Breckinridge.

We had a large turnout this evening due to 3 new member inductions.  Among our guests were Ed and Tillie Cockes, parents of David Cockes.

It seems that the whole Jenkins family visited the Camp meeting to see the inductions!
From the left are Jessica, Brandon, Hayden, Connie, Haleigh, Richard, and Camden.

Compatriot (Rev.) Raymond Groves, Sr. attended with his sons Paul, Jr. and Hunter.

We were happy to welcome Danny Johnson to his third meeting!

Commander Tony Griffin inducted David Cockes, Paul Groves, and Hayden Jenkins. Congratulations to our newest members!

To top off the evening, 2nd Lt. Cdr. Tommy Davis brought a special cake for our buffet table!



September 6, 2016:  Our Camp's friend, Mrs. Billie Earnest, presented a program on Mary Suratt,
who was executed by the Yankees for her "involvement" with the Lincoln assassination.



Mrs. Billie Earnest spoke to the membership on June 7, 2016 about Elizabeth Van Lew who was a Richmond, Virginia abolitionist who built and operated an extensive spy ring for the Yankees during the Civil War. After the War, President Grant appointed her postmaster of Richmond, though
she was severely ostracized for the rest of her life.


2016 Scholarships

June 7, 2016:  Keith Morris, chairman of the Camp's Scholarshp Committee, was honored to introduce this year's scholarship recipients.          Commander Tony Griffin then presented each of the graduating seniors with a check for $500.

Both of the ladies will receive "Advanced Diplomas" for their honors and advanced placement courses, as well as having an excellent G.P.A.

Megan Freeman (left) attended Windsor High School, and is already attending summer school classes at T.C.C. She plans to transfer to
Old Dominion Univerity where she will pursue a degree in Business Administration.

Alexis Manson (right) is from Smithfield High School.  She has been accepted to the University of Georgia where she will have an intended major of AB International Affairs and then a law degree.

Heartfelt THANKS to all of you who supported our scholarship campaign and helped these two most deserving ladies!!!


1st Brigade Commander Tommy Thomas assisted Commander Tony Griffin with the induction of Raymond Groves on June 7, 2016.


On May 3, 2016, our special guest speaker was Past ANV Commander, Frank Earnest of the Norfolk County Grays Camp #1549.  Frank addressed
the Camp in the person of Gen. Laurence Simmons Baker of N.C., whose monument and head stone is in Cedar Hill Cemetery in Suffolk.

We had a lot of visitors at our May 3, 2016 meeting.
Compatriot Tommy Davis brought his nephew, Christopher Richards.

Richard Jenkins brought his son, Brandon, and his grandson, Hayden.

Adjutant Ed Whitley (L) posed with family members: cousin David Cockes, Compatriot Dwight Doggett,
cousin Paul Groves, and Paul's father, Raymond Groves.


Past Commander Keith Morris and our new 2nd Lt. Commander Lewandowski were given the floor on May 3, 2016 to present the bullet displays to members of the Camp who had donated $30.00 or more to the Scholarship Fund in the last 2 years. Past Commander Morris made the base for the bullets and 2nd Lt. Commander Lewandowski cast the five bullets that were used during the War.


On April 5, 2016, Past Commander Keith Morris assisted Commander Tony Griffin with the induction of Tom Conley.
The Commander used the balance of the meeting to inform the membership of issues to be presented at the
forthcoming Virginia Division Conventon.



(copied from Confederate Veteran magazine)
Congratulations to Ed and Dwight!


Mr. Norman Cooper, who teaches at the College of William and Mary (Christopher Wren Society) spoke to the Avengers Camp on March 8, 2016 about "Stories of the 1862 Peninsula Campaign".

Commander Tony Griffin presented Tom Conley with his Avengers membership certificate during the March 8, 2016 meeting.

Compatriots Buddy Jones, Dwight Doggett, and Frank Hall:

On March 8, 2016 Myrna Sharon addressed the Camp about the article of the portrait presented to
the Isle of Wight court house in the recent UDC magazine.  The Avengers had made a donation for the portrait.



Dr. Mallory Read spoke to the Avengers on February 2, 2016 about Battle of Portland Harbor, Maine.  He focused on one of the overlooked aspects of the war, that is, Confederate activities far north of the Mason - Dixon Line.

There were 10 guests and visitors on February 2, 2016.  Past Lt. Cdr. Joe Epps invited his friend Bobby Whetstine who later lit the Camp's candle.

Compatriot Dan Lewandowski invited his 3 daughters to our February 2, 2016 meeting: Aisling, Aclunwyn, and Ainl

Tom Conley was inducted as the newest Avenger on February 2, 2016. His wife, Linda, was there to observe the ceremony.

David Cockes attended our meeting with Compatriot Frank Hall on February 2, 2016.

A group picture on February 2, 2016.


January 5, 2016:  Commander Michael Virts of the Major General Fitzhugh Lee Camp # 1805 spoke to the Avengers about "Faith
in the War"--how faith carried the soldiers thru the long and terrible War.