Pictures from 2012


December 5, 2012:  Natonal SCV Field Representative, Jack Marlar,
gave a wonderful presentation about Christmas in the Confederate states.

Virginia Division Commander Mike Pullen conducted the installation ceremony for the
officers of the Avengers Camp for the 2013 - 2014 term.  The officers are listed by
name in the December issue of the Avengers newsletter.

Also on December 5, 2012, Commander Tony Griffin presented 2nd Lt. Cdr. Bryan Britt and Chaplain Frank
Sharon with SCV officer medals.  It should be noted that the Chaplain's wife, Myrna, coordinated the efforts
for our Christmas dinner, and that Lt. Cdr. Britt was just inducted into the SCV last month!


November 6, 2012:  Our usual club house was being used as a polling place.  Thanks to Compatriot Frank Hall and his wife Pat for
allowing us to conduct our meeting at their home in Smithfield.  John Quarstein was our special guest speaker.  
He gave an excellent presentation on the battle of Big Bethel.


October 2, 2012:  The Avengers were happy to host 3 visitors to our meeting.  From left to right, Ed Whitley (a cousin of Dwight Doggett), Aaron Anderson (who wishes to transfer from the James City Cavalry Camp), and Bryan Britt.  During the business portion of the meeting, the membership voted to accept Bryan into our Camp.  Congratulations to our newest member!

Also on October 2, 2012, our guest speaker was Park Ranger Randy Watkins of the Petersburg National Battlefield.  Randy spoke on the "Beefsteak Raid". The Beefsteak Raid was a Confederate cavalry raid that took place in September 1864 as part of the Siege of Petersburg during the TWBTS.. Confederate Maj. Gen. Wade Hampton led a force of 3,000 troopers on what was to become a 100-mile ride to acquire cattle that were intended for the consumption of the Union Army.


September 4, 2012:  The Avengers were happy to see Jim Parker of the Tom Smith Camp again, as well
as Bryan Britt who is interested in becoming a member soon.


On September 4, 2012 Susan Hathaway was our guest speaker.  In the fall of 2011, she helped organize the Virginia Flaggers, who have gained
National attention for their onging flagging protest of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts after museum officials forced the removal of
Confederate Battle flags from the Pelham Chapel, as well as their efforts in numerous other heritage defense battles throughout Virginia, and beyond.


July 14, 2012:  Members of the Avengers Camp took a field trip to the Museum of the Confederacy in Richmond, Virginia.
The Director of the Museum, Waite Rawls, personaly took us on a guided tour.


June 5, 2012:  Commander Tony Griffin led the Camp in a business meeting in lieu of having a guest speaker. 
Plans were made, and everyone had ample opportunity to help guide the Camp as we progress throughout the year.


Lt. Cdr. Buddy Jones and Commander Tony Griffin inducted Graham Harvey on June 5, 2012.
Congratulations to our newest member!



On May 1, 2012 our guest speaker was Attorney Anthony Radd.  Mr. Radd spoke to us on the subject
of "Was There a Right of Seccession in 1861?".  He gave us a very well researched study which was most interesting.

Also on May 1, 2012, Compatriot Tommy Davis brought a beautiful cake to enhance our buffet dinner!


On April 3, 2012, Jed Dashiell brought his son, Bubba, to visit our meeting.  Welcome Bubba!

Our guest speaker on April 3, 2012 was Cdr. Jerry White of the James City Cavalry Camp # 2095.
Cdr. White spoke to us about the lost Confederate Gold and the book The Rebel & the Rose.


The Avengers did not have a meeting in March, 2012 because the Ruritan Club House was
a polling place for the Presidential primary


Past 2nd Brigade Commander Bill Mountjoy was our guest speaker on February 7, 2012.  He is also
a past Commander of the Lee-Jackson Camp #1 in Richmond.  He spoke to the Avengers
about Jesse James, and the bloody battles along the Kansas-Missouri border during TWBTS.

Chief of Staff Tommy Thomas brought a friend to our meeting on February 7, 2012.  Danny Rexinger (l)
lives in Richmond and is interested in the Sons of Confederate Veterans.


 The Avengers Camp began its new year on January 3, 2012 by welcoming Army of Northern Virginia Commander, B. Frank Earnest.
Commander Earnest spoke to us in the role of a "Southern Civilian" who had lived through the events leading up to the War Between
the States and the first years of battles. This talk put many issues in perspective for many of us to better understand the causes of the War.

Also on January 3, 2012, Camp Commander Tony Griffith welcomed Graham Harvey who was visiting our meeting.